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Health Office

Flu Information 

Just a reminder to parents in reference to the Oceanside Unified School District’s Health and Safety Guidelines.  Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever, vomiting, diarrhea or have frequent coughing and/or nasal discharge which could interfere with classroom instruction.  Please remember that your child should be vomit and/or fever free for 24 hours without medication.   If you have any questions please feel free to call the Health Office. We are in middle of a severe flu season and we all need to do our best to stay healthy. Thank you!



No Shots No School!

As of July 1, 2019 the new California immunization requirement states that all students entering 7th grade have two doses of Varicella and a Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) booster given after 7th birthday, prior to entering 7th grade. Your incoming 7th grader will not be allowed to start the 2023-24 school year without proof. Some students may have already got the shot, but have not shown the proof to the Health Office.  Please have your 6th grader present their updated immunization record to the Health Office before the end of this school year. If your student has not received the TDAP yet, please make an appointment NOW to get it. This way you will prevent your student from being excluded from school in August. If you would like to learn more about the requirement please visit the website by clicking here.

Please call the Health Office if you have any questions.


Health News! 

Just a few reminders from the Health Office:

In accordance with Board Policy 5142 all ace bandages, braces, splints, casts and crutches must have a note from a medical provider to return to school.  Students with casts and crutches will not be allowed to actively participate in PE activities because of potential danger to the student and others.  Doctor note MUST state:

  1. Date student may return to school
  2. With: brace, crutches, cast, splint or ace bandage
  3. PE restrictions

Students will NOT be allowed to return to school until the Health Office has received this note.  

All incoming 7th-12th grade students must have a Tdap shot on or before their 7th birthday documented on their immunization record.   If your student has not met this requirement they will not be permitted to register or attend next school year. Please check your child's shot record now to determine if they need this booster. 

Many students receive immunizations throughout the year, but do not present the record to the health office.  Please make sure you bring in the record every time your child gets an immunization.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cindi Donaldson in the Health Office.


Summer is fast approaching and school will be out of session soon. Just a few reminders from the Health Office:

If your student has medication here at school, please make arrangements to pick up his/her medication before the last day of school.  All medications left after school is out will be DISPOSED

If you have an incoming 7th grader don’t forget to get the TDAP immunization. A letter was sent to all parents of students who still needed to show proof.  Your student will NOT be allowed to start 7th grade without it.  Make your appointment NOW, since clinics get very busy the week before school starts.

Summer is a prime time for accidents. Be aware of your child’s activities and make sure they have a fun and safe break. 

If you have any questions please call Mrs. Donaldson in the Health Office.

Contact Attendance

Melissa Bonet - School Nurse

Kristina Martinez - Health Tech
